Fan 2022 conference - Senlis (France) 6-8 April 2022 - International Conference on Fan Noise, Aerodynamics, Applications and Systems

Technical Program

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Energy and CO2-Impact of Ecodesign Regulation for Fans on the European Market


C1 Fan Efficiency & Eco Design


European Ventilation Industry Association EVIA

Brussels - Belgium


Fans are omnipresent in different products. Since 2011 Ecodesign regulates minimum energy performance of fans above 125W. A fan in that meaning typically is not a final product, but used as a component in different application. From the very beginning, questions have been raised, weather it is helpful to regulate a component and not a final product.
The presentation will analyse the European market transformation from the beginning of the regulation and will estimate the energy savings achieved. Additionally it will estimate the share of fans placed on the European Market in other Ecodesign regulated products (ventilation units, air heating/cooling devices, chillers, RAC, refrigeration) and their relative impact in the energy reduction and will give a short outlook for the next steps. Furthermore a cost-benefit analysis for the estimated market impact will calculate average CO2-Reduction cost for fans.