Technical Program

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EU Policies on Energy Efficiency and the Impact on Fan Manufacturers


00 - Keynote Lectures


Policy Officer - Energy Efficiency - European Commission (Directorate - General for Energy)

Brussels - Belgium


Guido DE WILT, Policy Officer - Energy Efficiency, European Commission, Belgium

Guido is a policy officer in the team responsible for the efficiency of energy-related products. He is working on legislation for ecodesign minimum requirements and energy labelling for industrial products such as fans and pumps, as well as for heating products. He is also responsible for the work on standardisation of the unit.
He joined the European Commission in 2003 to work in the field of energy efficiency, starting as a policy officer responsible for developing and implementing legislation and state aid guidelines for high-efficiency cogeneration. He has also worked on existing energy efficiency legislation on lighting and boilers and contributed to new legislation on energy services and energy efficiency in buildings. Later his responsabilities shifted towards energy efficiency in international relations and standardisation.
Guido graduated form Eindhoven University of Technology and went on to work as a lecturer there in the field of ceramics and thermodynamics. He also lectured in physics and environmental science at Brabant Polytechnic.